Obviously I haven't played 12, but why do you think that is the best in the series? I've heard good things from some of the game podcasts I've listened to mentioning it in passing.
it was the first one i played when i was like 12 so probably a lot of inherent bias cause of that, also it was (i think) the first to be real time rather than turn based & i find turn based kind of slow & dull except like persona & yakuza, plus the story actually made like a tiny amount of sense at least & had good (but super one dimensional ) characters, completely lost the plot playing the ff7 remake but also i am an idiot.
Ahhh, I get that. You never forget your first game in a long running series. I can still remember my first Doom game (Doom 3) and enjoy it despite it's issues. I also have similar issues with turn based combat, it can feel less interactive and interesting. I think the plot for Remake's main flaw is it being only a 3rd of the original game. There were so many moments of questions being brought up by the events of the game that will only be answered in the next 2 games. That sucked but if you go in not expecting the game to have all the answers, I think it's a better time.
really unpopular opinion but i really think ff12 was the best of the series, 10 close behind.
def agree they got the driving around with friends right in 15, that was actually suppppper fun.
Obviously I haven't played 12, but why do you think that is the best in the series? I've heard good things from some of the game podcasts I've listened to mentioning it in passing.
it was the first one i played when i was like 12 so probably a lot of inherent bias cause of that, also it was (i think) the first to be real time rather than turn based & i find turn based kind of slow & dull except like persona & yakuza, plus the story actually made like a tiny amount of sense at least & had good (but super one dimensional ) characters, completely lost the plot playing the ff7 remake but also i am an idiot.
Ahhh, I get that. You never forget your first game in a long running series. I can still remember my first Doom game (Doom 3) and enjoy it despite it's issues. I also have similar issues with turn based combat, it can feel less interactive and interesting. I think the plot for Remake's main flaw is it being only a 3rd of the original game. There were so many moments of questions being brought up by the events of the game that will only be answered in the next 2 games. That sucked but if you go in not expecting the game to have all the answers, I think it's a better time.